Monday, October 10, 2011

FALL IS HERE....kinda

Well I have been failing at this updating thing. Kirk and I both have jobs if that was still in question for you. Kirk works with inner city pre-school children. I have volunteered a two times now for the organization that she works for and I think they are great. I clean at the seminary now and that seems to be a lot better for my schedule. School has been really tough. I thought I knew how to study, but I truly have no idea. The work load is pretty heavy and just the thinking is intense, but I love it. Often I wonder though if I should be here. I constantly struggle with inadequacy. Though I struggle I am pushing through and just doing what I have to do. In all of this craziness, we got a puppy dog. she is a terrier mix named Mouse. She is pretty awesome. By far the best puppy ever. I guess if she isn't eating my water heater she is doing pretty good lol.
I have been learning so many things. Some I am not real sure you want to learn. The overarching thing is that what I thought reformed theology was and even Calvinism I only had a piece of. The professors I have are so passionate about just loving people and preaching grace. They are really trying to prepare us for ministry not only in academics but also telling stories about the hard issues. It has been really good.
In conclusion God has really just blessed us. We have not officially landed on a church yet so pray for that. Also pray that we do not fall into complacency and that we see Gods blessings in hard times. Thank you for all of your prayers

Friday, August 5, 2011

The First Two Weeks

St. Louis is Hot! Other than that things are going pretty well. I started work this past week on Monday. Kirk has a second interview tomorrow morning. If you see this before like 8am on Saturday morning, prayer would be grateful. These past two weeks there have been alot of growing up moments, we have had to make alot of decisions that are not the funnest. God has been good though. We are finally settling down and meeting new people. We have visited two churches so far and a new one will be this Sunday. So hopefully soon we will be able to find a church home. Still trying to convince Kirk into getting a dog, but I am not winning that battle what so ever. Anyways that is a quick update.
Fight the Good Fight,
Cole Lescher